Surgical Approaches to Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Daniel A. Larson, MD
Southwest Ohio ENT Specialists
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Part of the Sleep Related Breathing Disorder (SRBD) Continuum.
- Prevalence of 4% for women and 9% for men in US, though some studies suggest this is much higher.
– M:F ratio of 2-3:1 (evens out post-menopause)
– 80 – 92% is undiagnosed - Increased Prevalence with age >65yo
Pathophysiology of OSA
- Excess external pressure
a. e.g. In obese pts - Anatomic narrowing
a. Bernoulli effect - Decreased rigidity
a. Lower NM tone
Symptoms of OSA
Nocturnal symptoms:
- Snoring, usually loud, habitual
- Witnessed apneas, which often interrupt the snoring
- Nocturia (esp. in peds)
- Insomnia
- Restless sleep, with patients often experiencing frequent arousals
Daytime symptoms:
- Morning headache, dry or sore throat
- Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) that usually begins during quiet activities
- Cognitive deficits; memory and intellectual impairment
- Personality and mood changes, including depression and anxiety
- Sexual dysfunction, including impotence and decreased libido
Physical Exam
- Obesity – Body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2
- Large neck circumference – Greater than 43 cm (17 in) in men and 37 cm (15 in) in women
- Abnormal (increased) Mallampati score
- Narrowing of the lateral airway walls
i. independent predictor of the presence of OSA in men but not women - Enlarged (ie, “kissing”) tonsils (3+ to 4+)
- Small mandible
Lateral narrowing
- Diagnosis
- Home vs. Lab
- Mild = AHI 5-15
- Moderate = AHI 15 – 30
- Severe = AHI > 30
Treatment (peds)
- T&A
- Curative in 80% of pts
- Less effective in
- obese pts
- African American
- Higher AHI
- Small tonsils
- Teens
- Less effective in
- Consider DISE in pts with persistent OSA vs. CPAP
Treatment (adults)
- Mild OSA
- Behavioral modification
- Weight loss
- positioning
- Mild to Moderate
- Option for mandibular advancement splint
- Mild to Severe
- Nasal pillows—> nasal mask—–>full face
Failure to tolerate PAP therapy…….
Surgical Candidacy (general)
- Failure to tolerate CPAP in any severity of OSA
- Claustrophobia, mask irritation, tubing issues, nasal obstruction
- Refusal to use CPAP
- Mild to Moderate OSA with a discrete source of obstruction
Considerations for OSA Surgery
- In General (historically) Surgery is high morbidity with low return
- Pt selection is key
- Set realistic expectations for patients (esp. overweight)
- Goals of Surgery
- Adjunct to non-surgical therapy
- Salvage Therapy for non-surgical failures.
Surgical Decision making
- Severity of disease
- AHI and disease burden
- Patient goals
- Age
- Pattern of airway collapse
Role of Nasal Surgery
- Good option for snoring and UARS patients
- Typically, will not cure OSA
- Improve CPAP tolerance
- As part of multilevel surgery – improved outcomes
- Improve sleep related Quality of Life
- Decreases sleep fragmentation, daytime sleepiness
Why improvement with nasal surgery?
Common sequence of obstruction
- Nasal obstruction
- Leads to mouth breathing
- Open mouth posture
- Tongue falls back
- Leads to obstruction at the base of tongue
Role of nasal surgery
– Surgical Success rate in nasal surgery group was 68% compared to 55% in no nasal surgery group (P=.002).
– Nasal surgery alone does not significantly affect AHI, ESS.
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Friedman scale for pt selectio
UPPP modifications
Expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty (lateral expansion pharyngoplasty)
– Good for stabilization of the lateralOP wall
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator (HGNS)
HGNS Patient Selection
– AHI 15-65
– BMI <32 kg/m2
– Failure to tolerate CPAP
– <25% central apneas – Age >18
– No source of fixed upper airway obstruction (eg severe ATH, mass, etc.)
– > 25% central apneas
– Concentric collapse of the velopharynx
– Any physical finding that would compromise the performance of UAS
– Any condition that has compromised neurologic control of the UA
– Pt who cannot operate remote w or w/o assistance.
– Pregnant
– Other implants that may interact with UAS
– Pts who require MRI of the chest
– Safe for all other MRIs
STAR trial – outcomes
Future Directions
- Bilateral HGNS
- Via transcutaneous stimulation
- Currently being trialed in Europe
Eastwood, PR et al. Bilateral HGNS in Adults with OSA. European Resp J. 2020
Future Directions
- Bilateral HGNS
- Via transcutaneous stimulation
- Currently being trialed in Europe
Eastwood, PR et al. Bilateral HGNS in Adults with OSA. European Resp J. 2020
Daniel Larson
www.soents.comPhone: (937)496-2600
Daniel Larson
www.soents.comPhone: (937)496-2600